Multi-colored sticky notes to set goal, make plan, get to work, stick to it, and reach goal.

DO NOT set a New Year’s Resolution!

New Year's Resolutions Don’t Last

You know it’s true, we resolve to do XYZ and it lasts, MAYBE, until the end of January but then it is pushed aside as quickly as it was thought about. The two most common resolutions, “exercise more” and “eat healthy”. The gyms tend to be loaded in January but then the numbers drop as we get to February. We make better choices in the kitchen for a week or two but then go back to bad habits. The definition of resolution is “a firm decision to do or not do something”, that’s it, just do or don’t do. This is why I’m saying NOT to set a resolution this year!

Set GOALS for 2022

This year I want you to set GOALS!  Some of you are probably thinking, well isn’t that the same as setting a resolution, NO it is not and here’s why. Setting a goal is looking forward to accomplishing something, making a plan to reach your goal and putting a time frame in place.  There is a process, a path that you will follow to reach your goal.

Setting a SMART Goal

Some of you may have heard about the SMART goal setting method, if not let me explain how it works. First, the meaning of SMART.

Specific – don’t be general, make you goal as specific as you can

Measurable – determine what you will use to check your progress

Attainable – I want you to think big, but make sure you are not setting yourself up for failure

Realistic – very similar to attainable but also think about the timeframe you have to accomplish your goal on this one (if you want to run a marathon and you only have two weeks to train, that is NOT realistic)

Time – when will you achieve this goal

I’m going to use one of my 2022 goals as an example – to set the framework and avoid failure.

One of my goals for 2022 is to participate in and run all 3 of my legs in the New England Ragnar Relay. I have done this type of relay before but I have not been running over the past two years. I enjoy running and want to start up again so that is why I’m setting this goal. Here is my SMART Goal setting for this:

Specific – As stated earlier, to run all three legs of the New England Ragnar Relay.

Measurable – This one will be used in my training, I will work up to an 8-mile run to prepare to meet this goal.

Attainable – I have done this type of relay before, I know what to expect and I know by starting my training now I will succeed.

Realistic – Can I run 8 miles – I know I can with proper training so I will be writing out a training plan and I WILL stick to it.

Time – the relay takes place May 20 – 21, 2022 – this will help me with my training plan.

Write Down Your Goal

Setting a goal is one thing but let’s go through the process, like I did above. WRITE IT DOWN. On a sticky, on your bathroom mirror, put it somewhere where you will see it on a daily basis. Writing it down and sticking it in a drawer does you no good, to reach a goal you have to think about it over and over again.

Tell Others and Tell ME!

Another way to help you continue your strides to reaching your goals is to tell others. Let them know what you are going to do, this helps you hold yourself accountable. While not all of you are coming into the studio right now I would like to have your goals written on the wall at Coach Mel’s. I am going to cut out stars that I will write your name and goal on, and they will be put on the walls at the studio! Tell me your goals! Take a moment to email me,, I want you to tell me your 2022 goal(s).


If your goal is focused around an event like mine is, you have to commit and sign up for the event!!  Maybe it’s a trip you’ve always been saying “someday” about.  Make today SOMEDAY…book your trip. Maybe you’ve always wanted to write a book, stop dreaming about it and start today…maybe it’s just a title…but start today, set out your SMART goals and make it happen!

You all know my mantra, be healthy BEFORE you NEED to be healthy. Let’s apply that to reaching our goals, make a plan and do it, dream big, we never want to look back at should haves and could haves, live your best life NOW!

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