The words "Safe Simple Sustainable" as the 3 Ss and fresh fruit.

Safe, Simple, Sustainable: The 3 Ss

Let’s face it, most of us are searching for ways to feel better, look better, and/or move better.

Most of us are also going about it the wrong way, overworking our bodies or following crazy fad diets. I always say, there is no one answer to achieving your goals because we are all different, we like different things, and our bodies all work just a bit differently. What I want you to think about when you are deciding how you are going to reach your goals are the 3 Ss: Safe, Simple, and Sustainable. Let’s focus on both exercise and diet (noun not verb) while discussing the 3 Ss.


One of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to exercise and diet is that they rush in, with good intentions because they are feeling motivated, but they go too hard too fast. With exercise, that may mean not allowing your body any rest because you want to see results quickly. You do workouts that are too challenging, you try to keep up with others who have been exercising for years, or you may use weights that are too heavy to start. It is recommended that you exercise at an eHR (elevated heart rate) for 150 minutes per week. This exercise can be done in various ways but should be started out easily and built up over time.

When it comes to diet, and when I say diet I mean the food you eat, not the act of dieting, too many people go to an extreme which can be dangerous. Not eating or skipping meals is the number one no-no! Just like your car needs gas to run, your body needs food to operate. If you are both exercising too hard and not eating enough, it could spell disaster. Dropping your calorie intake below 1,400 calories per day is not good for you, I suggest most people hover around 1,800 to 2,000 calories. What you eat is important too, you need to make healthy choices if you want to feel better. More on how to do that later.


Probably the biggest stumbling block when it comes to starting to exercise is that you don’t know what to do. With good intentions, you get a membership to a gym but then find yourself walking around looking at all of the big intimidating equipment, not knowing what to do with it so you hop on the treadmill and press start. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with hopping on the treadmill, but there is so much more you can also do to help reach your fitness goals. That’s where Coach Mel’s Group Fitness comes in. No matter what class you take, if it’s with me or someone else there is always an instructor showing you what to do, and how to do it, and then watching to make sure your form is correct. Easy peasy…show up…workout!

Unfortunately, the diet side of this equation is not easy. Eating healthy is probably one of the hardest parts of the journey. So, how do we keep it simple? You start with a small change, and then you add another and another until each change becomes a habit and you are making better choices when it comes to the food you eat and beverages you drink (those count too). Being aware is the first change you can make, instead of eating to eat, eat with purpose, making decisions about what you will eat and what you will not eat. Tracking is a great way to be aware, it is the foundation of the WW (Weight Watchers) program and always has been. To keep it simple, write down in a notebook everything you eat or drink. When you write down what you are eating you make better decisions, but you have to be honest and write everything down, and no cheating. If you have a piece of cake that’s OK…just write it down.

Another simple way to pay closer attention to your eating habits is to read labels and understand portion sizes. Just because you are making healthier choices it does not mean you get to eat double the amount of something. Leave some measuring cups on the counter, instead of pouring cereal directly into a bowl, pour it into that measuring cup first and then into the bowl. Chances are you are going to notice very quickly you were eating 2 to 3 times more than you should have. This can be the difference between seeing change and staying right where you are.


Sustainable exercise, what does that mean? Well, most of us are overbooked and don’t have a lot of “free time” so two hours a day is not something that you are going to be able to do on a regular basis. Instead, a small chunk of time, with exercise that works your entire body, a few times per week (remember the 150 minutes per week goal) is something that you can do on a regular basis. At Coach Mel’s, most of our classes are 45 minutes (some are 1 hour). You get in, you get out, and you feel accomplished! Having a variety of exercises is also something that will keep you motivated. Doing the same thing over and over may cause you to lose interest and stop altogether. At Coach Mel’s you will get a variety of classes with at least one changing each week.

The hard part is healthy eating for the long haul. You’ve all heard the term “yo-yo diet”, it’s one of the worst things for you because usually not only do you put back on any weight you lost but studies show that you put on even more weight. That is why those fad diets need to be thrown out the window. Are you really NEVER going to eat a carb again? I doubt it. Are you NEVER going to eat another piece of fruit again? I doubt it. I think you get the point, anything that is too extreme is not going to work for the long haul. Yes, chances are you’ll see some short-term results, but then the yo-yo goes back up and you are back to square one, or negative one, being even worse than when you started.

I’ve already mentioned that I am a big fan of tracking. Portion control goes hand-in-hand with tracking and I believe they are the most sustainable methods for healthy eating. You have to make good decisions but you should not give us over a few bad ones. I am also a fan of counting macros (carbs, protein, and fat in foods). Most tracking apps that you can put on your phone will do the calculations for you. If nothing else it really makes you aware, and knowledge is important. If you would like more information on tracking and specifically macros I have a YouTube video that you can find here that explains this in more detail and shows you how to use an app for tracking.

Sustainability, no matter what you are talking about, is about the long haul. Don’t expect change overnight, slow and steady is better and you are more likely to continue and not have a relapse if you make small changes that you can live with. It’s about lifestyle changes, no finish line, but continued movement forward. Some days will be harder than others, just remember why you started and keep up the good work.

A couple of do’s and don’ts

  • Use others as inspiration, not as a way of measuring your progress.
  • Don’t beat yourself up for missing a workout or eating something “bad”. We all have good days and not such good days, it happens, we are human, leave it in the past and move on.
  • Believe in yourself and listen to your body, it has a lot to say.
  • Lean on others when you need help, friends or professional help, whatever it takes to get you to where you want to be.
  • Challenge yourself, both physically and mentally. Don’t be afraid to try something, sometimes failure is your best motivator.
  • Be stronger than your excuses!

You do you

Everyone is different and what works for one may not work for another so find your own path because following others may lead you down the wrong path. There are so many factors that have to be taken into consideration when you are working on a healthier you. Don’t get frustrated if you are not seeing the results you want right away, stick with one thing for a couple of months before you decide it’s not working, and be honest with yourself, are you really putting in the effort to see results? You may need to make a couple of changes to see results, don’t stop trying. Other factors that you need to consider are underlying healthy conditions (always check with your doctor(s) before starting any exercise/weight loss journey) and any medications you may be on. Unfortunately, weight gain is a side effect of many medications and may be something to discuss with your doctor as well.  

You need to find what works for you to be healthy BEFORE you NEED to be healthy.

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